Title: Man Made Fibre Production
Publisher: Dept. of Textile Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Year: 1997; Edition: 1st
Level: Reference book for marketing professionals in textile machinery
Co-Editor: None
Title: Man-Made Fibres II: Solution Spun Fibres
Publisher: Nodal Centre for Upgradation of Textile Education, Indian Institute of Tech nology, Delhi
Year: 2000; Edition: 1st
Level: Reference and teaching text for graduate and post graduate students
Co-Editor: Dr. Manjeet Jassal
Title: Dyeing and Printing of Polyester and Polyester Blends
Publisher: Dept. of Textile Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Year: 1996; Edition: 2nd
Level: Reference and teaching text for graduate and post graduate students
Co-Editor: Prof. M. L. Gulrajani
Title: Chemical Preparatory Processes in Textiles
Publisher: Nodal Centre for Upgradation of Textile Education, Indian Institute of Tech nology, Delhi
Year: 2000; Edition: 1st
Level: Reference and teaching text for graduate and post graduate
Co-Editor: None
Title: Textile Fibres- A Laboratory Manual
Publishers: Dept. of textile Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Year: 2000; Edition: 1st
Year: 2001; Edition: 2nd
Level: Text and workbook for undergraduate students
Co-author: Dr. Manjeet Jassal
Title: Fibre Manufacturing and Characterization- A Laboratory Manual
Publishers: Dept. of textile Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Year: 2003; Edition: 1st
Level: Text and workbook for undergraduate
Co-author: Prof. (Late) P. Bajaj
Title: Fibre Manufacturing and Characterization- A Laboratory Manual
Publishers: Dept. of Textile Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Year: 2004; Edition: 1st
Level: Text and workbook for post graduate
Co-author: Prof. (Late) P. Bajaj
Title: Emerging Trends in Polymers and Textiles
Publisher: Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Year: 2005
Co-Editor: Dr. Manjeet Jassal
Title: Modelling and Simulations in Textile
Sponsors: AICTE, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Year: 2006
Level: F or QIP short term course
Co-author: Prof. R. Chattopadhyay
Chapter on In-situ plasma reactions for hydrophilic functionalization of textiles
Book titled “Plasma Technologies for Textile and Apparel”.
Authored by: Kartick Samanta, Ashwini K. Agrawal and Manjeet Jassal,
Edited by Dr. S. K. Nema and Prof. P. B. Jhala, Woodhead Publishing, 2014
Chapter: In-situ plasma reactions for hydrophobic functionalization of textiles
Book titled “Plasma Technologies for Textile and Apparel”.
Authored by: Ashwini K. Agrawal and Manjeet Jassal Prasanta Panda, Kartick K. Samanta,
Edited by Dr. S. K. Nema and Prof. P. B. Jhala, Woodhead Publishing, 2014
Chapter: Speciality polymers for the finishing of technical textiles
Book title: "Advances in Dyes, Chemicals and Finishes for Technical Textiles"
Autrhored by: Manjeet Jassal and Prof. Ashwini K. Agrawal,
Edited by: M.L. Gulrajani (Ed.)Woodhead Publishing, July, 2013
Chapter: The design of novel hygiene textile products
Book title: “Textiles for hygiene and infection control”
Authored by: Manjeet Jassal,
Edited by: Mr. Brian McCarthy Woodhead Publications, UK, 2011.
Chapter: Functional smart textiles
Book title: “Functional textiles for improved performance, protection and health"
Authored by: Manjeet Jassal and Ashwini K. Agrawal,
Edited by Dr. Gang Sun Woodhead Publications, UK, 2010.
Chapter: Spinning of poly(lactic acid) fibers
Book title: "Poly(Lactic Acid)"
Authored by: Ashwini K. Agrawal
Edited by Rafael Auras John Wiley & Sons, Inc., N.J., USA 2010.
Chapter: Manufacture of polyamide fibres
Book title: "Fibrous materials: Polyesters and Polyamides"
Authored by: Ashwini K. Agrawal & Manjeet Jassal
Edited by B. L. Deopura et. al Woodhead Publications, UK, 2007.
Chapter: Intelligent weatherproof coatings and laminates
Book title: "Smart Textile Coatings and Laminates"
Authored by: Ashwini K. Agrawal & Manjeet Jassal
Edited by William C. Smith Woodhead Publications, 2007.
Chapter: Chitosan as thickener for Printing of cotton with pigment colours
Authored by: Prof. Manjeet Jassal, Prof. R. B. Chavan, Prof. Rahul Yadav, Prof. Parambir Singh
National conference on Chitin and Chitosan, May 24,2005, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad.
Chapter: Chemical Modification of Melt Spun Fibres
Book title: "Textile Fibres: Developments and Innovations"
Authored by: Ashwini K. Agrawal and P. Bajaj
Edited by: V. K. Kothari IAFL Publication, New Delhi, Year 2000.