Faculty Awards
Prof.Ashwini K Agrawal selected as the fellow under Late Professor W. B. Achwal Endowment” for the year 2023-24 organized by the Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), Mumbai.
Best Presentation Award in Manufacturing was presented to Prof. Ashwini Agrawal for the topic "Role of Emerging textile for medical applications" at the 8th Research and Innovation Pediatric Surgical Society Conference (RIPSSCON-IAPS) held at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS-New Delhi) on 20-22nd December 2023.
Annual Innovation Award was presented to Prof. Ashwini Agrawal on National Technology Day by FITT, IIT Delhi for his contribution towards IP creation, development, and transfer of technology, or deep tech venture creation.
Best Industry relevant project, Prof. Ashwini Agrawal, Prof. Manjeet Jassal, on the occasion of Convocation 2022 held at IIT Delhi by FITT, November 8, 2022
Eminent Engineering Personality 2020 Prof. Ashwini K. Agrawal, Instituted by Institution of Engineers (India) on the occasion of 33rd National Convention of Textile Engineers held at Ahmedabad, Feb 20-21, 2020.
Professor K. L. Chopra Faculty Research Award to Prof. Ashwini K. Agrawal, Instituted by Indian Institute of Technology Delhi for the outstanding contribution in the field of Applied Research.
Dr. Rita Duggal Chair Professor 2019 Prof. Manjeet Jassal, Instituted by Indian Institute of Technology Delhi for excellence and leadership among women faculty members in teaching, research and development in the field of Science, Engineering, Management, Humanities or Social Sciences.
Institute Chair Professor 2019 Prof. Ashwini K. Agrawal, Instituted by Indian Institute of Technology Delhi to recognize contribution in Research.
Best Presentation Award to Prof. Manjeet Jassal, Presented at International Conference on Water Pollution, Recycle and Waste Water (ICWPRW 2019), London, UK.
Abdul Kalam Technology Innovation National Fellowship 2019 to Prof. Ashwini K. Agrawal, Instituted by INAE for outstanding contributions in the field of smart and functional textile materials and leadership role in the growth of engineering profession in the country.
National Award 2017 to SMITA Research Group, for the most promising technology for a start-up company, Instituted by Technology Development Board, DST, Govt. of India, presented by The President of India on Technology Day 11 May 2017.
Teaching Excellence Award 2015-16 to Prof Ashwini K. Agrawal presented by Indian Institute of Technology Delhi on the Institute's Foundation Day, 27 January 2016.
National Award 2016 to SMITA Research Group, for commercialization of Indigenous technology, Instituted by Technology Development Board, DST, Govt. of India, presented by The President of India on Technology Day, 11 May 2016.
Nina Saxena Excellence in Technology Award 2009 to SMITA Research Group, A National award instituted by Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur to recognize technical innovation of national importance with a focus on social development.
Best Industry Relevant Project Award (for M.Tech. Thesis 2007) by Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer (FITT), IIT Delhi.